" Great Man is Measure by the Distance Between Himself and Others"
(Eli Segal)
My Sister Chelsea Shields Strayer has been going to Ghana, West Africa and the surrounding areas for the past 7 years. She has lived among Ghanaians, worked with them, and grown to love them. So when she and her husband Mike decided to move there for a year (for her PhD research) I got very excited! I had heard many stories from Chelsea about Africa and looked forward to going there. Now with the my sister and her husband living in Ghana it is the perfect time for a few of my cousins and I to go.
Because Chelsea knows Ghana so well she is keenly aware of the people's needs. In getting ready to go to Africa my cousins and I began to realize that there was a lot of things that we would need to bring to Ghana -- as there is a great need for things you cannot buy there. Also, we realized that if we could some raise money that a little would go a long way in Ghana.
So we decided to put this blog together. This will be a place for people to help in our cause. Please take some time to read through this blog, find a need that you can help abate, and Give to Ghana!
Kylee Shields
you guys are so great!!! when do you leave for ghana? i just had a friend leave there for his mission, but he is in the ghana mtc righ now. thats so awesome of you though!!
I have many cloth diapers I would love to send with you. What is the best way to do so?
Erin if you could leave a way to contact me that would be great. Or if you want to email me at kyleeshields@gmail.com I can send you my address and you mail to me depending on where you are or I can get them from you. Thanks we do need cloth diapers
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